カードエッジコネクターは、一般的な電子コネクターであり、その設計と製造は、信号伝送の品質、耐久性、アプリケーション性能に直接影響します。 以下では、製造プロセス、材料選択、性能への影響について詳しく説明する。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
– コンタクト:電気信号の伝送に使用される。
– メッキ:接触面を保護し、性能を向上させる。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
(1) 基材
– 熱可塑性プラスチック(PBT、LCPなど):
– 熱可塑性プラスチック(PBT、LCPなど):長所:耐熱性が高く、機械的強度が高い。
– 用途:高速信号伝送や過酷な環境での使用に適している。
– エポキシ樹脂(Epoxy):
– 利点:加工が容易、価格が安い。
– 制限事項:高温での性能が劣る場合がある。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
(2) 接点端子の材質
接触端子の材質は、導電性と耐久性を左右する。 一般的な材質は以下の通り:
– 銅合金(リン青銅、ベリリウム銅など):
– 利点:導電性と柔軟性に優れる。
– 用途:高い信頼性が要求される場面向け。
– ステンレス鋼:
– 利点:耐食性に優れ、安価。 制限事項:銅合金よりも導電性が劣る。
– 制限事項: 銅合金よりも導電性が低い。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
メッキは、接触面を保護し、導電性、耐食性、耐摩耗性を向上させるために使用される。 一般的なメッキ材料には以下のものがある:
(1) 金めっき
– 特徴
– 優れた耐酸化性と耐食性。
– 常に低い接触抵抗を提供する。
– メッキの厚さ
– 通常1~50マイクロインチ。 PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com. 厚ければ厚いほど耐久性に優れるが、コストは高くなる。
– 用途:高速、高信頼性用途(サーバー、通信機器など)。
(2) ニッケルめっき(ニッケルめっき)
– 特徴
– 機械的支持を与え、金属の拡散を防ぐ。
– 通常、金めっきや錫めっきの下地層として使用される。
– 用途:あらゆる高性能めっきプロセスにおける下地として使用される。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
– 特徴
– 低コスト、はんだ付けが容易。
– 耐食性に劣り、酸化物を生成しやすい。
– 用途:コスト重視、低頻度、非重要用途。
製造工程は、コネクターの品質と一貫性にとって極めて重要である。 主な工程は以下の通り:
(1) 成形
– 基板成形:プラスチック基板は、寸法精度と機械的強度を確保するため、射出成形プロセスによって製造される。
– 精密スタンピング:形状や導電性を確保するため、金属コンタクトの製造に使用される。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
(2) めっき工程
– メッキ方法:金属表面を保護するためのメッキ(金または錫)。
– メッキの厚みと均一性が重要。
– 管理技術:接触不良や過度の磨耗を避けるため、メッキの厚さと品質を厳密に管理する必要がある。
(3) 組み立てとテスト
– 自動組立:プラスチック基板と金属端子を高精度の装置で組み立てる。
– 品質検査:サイズ、挿入力、引き抜き力、接触抵抗、環境エージング試験など。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
属性 | 影響因子 |
最適化方向 |
耐久性 | メッキの厚みと種類 | 金メッキの厚さを増やし、錫メッキは避ける。 |
耐食性 | めっき材質(例:金、ニッケル) | 金めっきを優先し、下地保護としてニッケルを使用する。 |
機械的強度 | 基板材質(プラスチックタイプ) | 高強度熱可塑性プラスチックを選択 |
信号の完全性 | 接触端子の正確さ、材料の一貫性 | 精密機械加工、厳密な寸法公差管理 |
導電性 | 接点端子材料(銅、金属メッキ) | 金メッキを施した導電性の高い銅合金の選択 |
カードエッジコネクターの製造に使用される材料と工程は、その性能に直接影響します。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com. 材料の選択はコストと性能のバランスであり、製造工程の精度は最終製品の信頼性を決定する。 高速通信や産業オートメーションのような高性能アプリケーションでは、金メッキを施した銅合金端子が好まれますが、コスト重視のシナリオでは、錫メッキや基本的なプラスチックがより良い選択となるかもしれません。PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
contact me:sales09@dghoyato.com
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.
PCIE, PCIE slot, card edge connector, PCIE 4.0, PCIE 5.0, PCIE 6.0, PCIE7.0,PCIExpress Explore high-speed connectivity solutions, including PCIe 5.0 slots, card edge connectors, PCIe sockets, and PCI Express 7.0 components, at dghoyato.com.